TRIPwire, the Technical Resource for Incident Prevention, is the Department of Homeland Security's secure, online, collaborative information-sharing and resource portal for the Nation's security and emergency services professionals across the Federal, State, local, and tribal sectors. Information and resources on TRIPwire increase awareness of evolving improvised explosive device (IED) tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), as well as incident lessons learned and counter-IED preparedness. Developed and maintained by the Office for Bombing Prevention, TRIPwire combines expert analyses and reports with relevant documents, images, and videos gathered directly from extremist sources to help users anticipate, identify, and prevent IED incidents. TRIPwire is available at no cost to registered subscribers and features a publicly accessible home page with valuable preparedness information for the whole community.
TRIPwire registration gives members access to a surplus of information and resources on IED threats and corresponding prevention, protection, and response measures, including:
- IED prevention, protection, and response resources
- TRIPwire Emergency Responder Notes (ERNs)
- TRIPwire Awareness Bulletins (TABs)
- Completed RFI Responses
- IED incident and device profiles
- Open Source IED incident Reporting and Mapping
- Official DHS and USG informational products
- Daily Reporting on domestic and international IED-related incidents
What can TRIPwire do for me?
Once users log into TRIPwire, they can:
- Use the "What's New" feature for coverage and analysis of the latest domestic and international IED-specific events and incidents. Subscribe to What's New email distro to receive a daily email with the latest domestic and international IED-related incidents and updates on newly published TRIPwire products.
- Submit a Request for Information (RFI) to the Threat Analysis Team directly thourgh the TRIPwire RFI Form! This feature is available to all registered users and provides tailored C-IED-related information in mulitple formats.
- Leverage the wealth of explosives-related information and analysis to identify explosive hazards, including IED components, and potential terrorist tactics in high-risk operations.
- Access critical counter-IED information, such as common site vulnerabilities; potential threat indicators; protective measures; and bombing prevention training, planning, and policy guidance, to enhance domestic preparedness.
- Review expert-validated profiles and cutting-edge extremist IED videos to recognize operational tactics and to prioritize and improve protective measures or training scenarios.
- Use the Domestic IED Incident Map and Reports to understand risks in your community.
About Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the Nation's risk advisor, working with partners to defend against today's threats and collaborating to build more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future.
The threats we face(digital and physical, man-made, technological, and natural) are more complex, and the threat actors more diverse, than at any point in our history. CISA is at the heart of mobilizing a collective defense as we lead the Nation's efforts to understand and manage risk to our critical infrastructure.
Our partners in this mission span the public and private sectors. Programs and services we provide are driven by our comprehensive understanding of the risk environment and the corresponding needs identified by our stakeholders. We seek to help organizations better manage risk and increase resilience using all available resources, whether provided by the Federal Government, commercial vendors, or their own capabilities.
About the Office for Bombing Prevention
Leading the way in coordination of national and intergovernmental counter-IED efforts
OBP has a leading role in implementation of the national counter-IED policy, articulated through Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-17), Countering IEDs; serving as the Deputy Administrator of the Federal interagency Joint Program Office for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (JPO C-IED); and working in close collaboration with the White House National Security Council. The JPO C-IED coordinates and tracks Federal government progress in building national counter-IED capabilities. OBP also leads the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in implementation of the national counter-IED policy, serving as the DHS Counter-IED Program Management Office (PMO) and chairing the DHS-IED Working Group.
In its leadership role, OBP is instrumental in aligning DHS and other national counter-IED efforts through effective, centralized, programmatic coordination with national policy and strategy goals, resulting in better resource allocation within OBP and across DHS and our Federal, State, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners.
Committed to enhancing domestic bombing preparedness, OBP provides communities with the necessary information and resources to combat the threat posed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs). For an overview of related OBP products and services, please see the OBP Counter-IED Resources Guide.
For more information on OBP, visit Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) | CISA or contact