FBI-DHS Private Sector Advisory - Peroxide Products Card
FBI-DHS Private Sector Advisory - Peroxide Products Card
FBI-DHS Private Sector Advisory - Peroxide Products Card
Mail and Suspicious Package Guidance Poster
The "What to Do" training video series (TVS) communicates IED threats, explains counter-IED concepts, and demonstrates bombing prevention procedures by showing the audiences how to react to a bombing attack and deal with a variety of explosive threats such as bomb threats and suspicious items. Sometimes referred to as "how-to" videos, these training videos are designed to improve individual skills to identify indicators of an IED attack, threat conditions, and mitigation measures.
Test Document PDF
Description: The Bomb Threat Management Planning course provide participants foundational knowledge on the DHS risk management process and bomb threat management planning. It gives participants the opportunity to apply this knowledge to develop a bomb threat management plan.
Course Length: 1 day (8 hours)
Description: The BMAP Community Liaison course prepares participants to conduct outreach in their communities by familiarizing them with explosive precursor chemicals and components found in common household products used to make bombs. It also provides them the ability to recognize suspicious purchasing behaviors, and access BMAP resources.